The Week Ahead for 6/27/13 includes the 4th of July Holiday!
Our pick of the week for the 4th is to head on over to visit Flamingo Gardens for The Old Fashioned Fourth where can you wander the gardens, have a barbeque lunch and visit with the animals during the day for half price admission. Then head on down to the beach in your town and watch the fireworks! What a great day!
VIDEO Big Toy Box Review: Fisher Price Kids Tough Camera
Keeping Up With Kids has published our very first Big Toy Box Review Video! This is a series of video reviews of products we like!
June 27 Upcoming Events Preview
We have switched over to a new calendar so now when you go to our Upcoming Events Page you can search by date, category, sponsor event or County. I hope you like it and have a fabulous Fourth of July!
Sponsor Shout out! [meteor_slideshow]