On a recent visit to Grove City Ohio. I was taking a walk to the library with my girls, when one of them started having an allergy attack. We were right in front of the old Huntington Bank, now the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Once we got the allergies settled down, Donald Ivers very kindly spent some time showing us around.
What a nice little surprise! He showed us an old cash register (located in the bank vault) that used to belong to the lumber yard in Grove City. It was really neat to hear some of the history of the area that I did not know (even though I grew up in the area).
The Museum is run on donations, so stop, say hi to Don and snap a picture of the old IGA sign. The girls and I were particularly interested in the old record players, Don even got an old Edison cylinder player to play for us.
Thanks Donald Ivers for the impromptu tour, and for sending these photo’s along for us. (I got caught without my camera on this one!)