We are in full Spring Break mode around here. That means playgrounds, park, pool, beach and homework! Yes, I said homework over Spring Break! It’s okay, we found a way around it. One of my daughters dear friends came over and they did it together. I couldn’t believe it worked! They happily did their work and didn’t bulk at it (well too much anyway).
Other than that we have been
Captain Hooks Ship at Princess Diana Memorial Playground
sleeping in, staying up late and hitting the pool and beach! I know the afternoons have been almost summer hot , but the morning have been cool and are the best time to hit some of our favorite parks. Check out the category Best Playgrounds or Water Play under the Review Tab, to see some of our favorite places to play both in the water and out in South Florida & the London area.
Many of you know we are active in our Community Garden. The Gardeners donate a portion of their crops to Boca Helping Hands. I am not that good of a gardener an most of my crop gets eaten in the car on the way home, so my daughter and I do a grocery run at the end of the growing season to donate, but hey we try! For us this is an important activity to teach my child not only where our food comes from, but how to give back to our community.
Please come out and support us at Kapow on march 25th. There will be some door prizes (including a chance to win a logo placement on this site). Tickets are now on sale for the Kapow! Boca Raton Community Garden fundraiser on March 25th 5:30-7:30pm click the Event Brite link to order online.
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