Bedner’s Pumpkin Patch
I am considering this weekend Officially to be Halloween Part 1.
Next weekend will be Halloween Weekend Part 2 (although it is actually Halloween weekend). The list of events that I have embedded in this post is actually all happening this weekend. My head is spinning trying to figure out how to get to as many of them as I can! I know it’s silly, but I think we should see how many times we can wear out costumes this year. I think we are going for a record.
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If you go to our Events Calendar and click on the advanced setting you can search by category. Choose Holiday to see all the fall festival and holiday activities that are coming up starting in October.
The Let me know if you have any Holiday events that need to go on the list!
Click Here for the full list! It is extremely long!
Here is your short list: (Seriously, these are all happening this weekend!)
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