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Writer's pictureCynthia Buckley

The Week Ahead for South Florida 4/14/16

My Pick of the Week

Check out the Gator Boys at Science Eye Nature Program!  Another great way to enjoy this weather is head over to the Great Lawn in Pompano Beach for Movie Night!

Ohio Wanderings

We were wandering around Grove City Ohio over spring break and wandered into a great little educational find!  The Grove City Welcome Center and Museum!  After you visit the museum, make sure you have money set aside for antiquing across the street, and grab some pizza at Planks on Broadway.  Planks is located in an hotel built in the 1850’s.  If that isn’t enough wander around the cornor to Grove City’s Plum Run Winery for a glass of locally gown and made wine, while the kids have ice cream across the street!

Take a Hike

Broward County Parks are pulling out all the stops for walks, hikes and bird walks!  Take advantage before it gets too hot!  You can choose from a variety of nature-related hikes and walks. Most programs are $3 to $5 per person; some are free. Call the park of your choice for additional information, including preregistration requirements.

  1. Fri., Apr. 15, 7:30 p.m. – Night Hike by the Seashore Hollywood North Beach Park (954-357-5161)

  2. Wed., Apr. 20, 8 p.m. – Pineland at Night Hike: Weather Miramar Pineland (954-357-8776)

Want to learn Piano?

There is an App for that!

I am a geek, I know! I have been obsessed with all things educational & technological! So what about Piano Lessons?  Yup, There’s an app for that too! Piano Marvel is a completely online piano course that uses a midi interface with your piano to give you instant feedback on what you know!  I have been using it to brush up on my extremely old skills and to supplement my child’s lessons!   I am LOVING IT!  I also negotiated a Coupon Code for you try it for free!  If you buy a subscription you will get a discount too!  You won’t believe what you get for about a quarter of the price of piano lessons!

The calendar is filling up quickly!  Please make sure that we don’t miss your next event and submit your event today!

Let us know and we will place your Summer or Spring Break Camp information on our Find a Camp page!

or scroll down for this weeks events!

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