Okay, I had to type and retype that headline 3 times! 2015! Happy New Year! I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for reading the site. I hope you and families have a fabulous new year in 2015!
We have been very busy, you know the usual, the beach and the pool. Not our typical January, but I won’t complain with our friends up North freezing! Although I will admit I did complain a few nights ago when our AC quit and it was 85 degrees in the condo!
We went to Patch Reef Park for the Winter Fair over the break, it was a good time (crazy hot though).
I am looking forward to the cooler weather that is supposed to come in tomorrow! Grab
the chance to take the kids a little hike! Need some tips for hiking with the Family? Check out 5 Tips for Hiking with Kids or 5 Tips for Birding with Kids! We love Check out one of Boca’s best secret hiking trail (Yamato Scrub Natural Area)! I also love Pondhawk Nature Center, it has stroller friendly paths and is near the playground. I almost forgot to tell you, we went to Daggerwing Nature Center as well. It was really nice, loads of playground, a nice small interactive education center, and of course playgrounds!
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