Invisible cloak WB Harry Potter Studio Tour London
I have been feeling the pull of London this week, can’t wait to go back although I don’t think I have a choice. Those of you who are Harry Potter fans should check out my review of the Harry Potter Studio Tours in London! If you are headed over the pond anytime soon, this is a must see! It is an amazing place, even if you aren’t a potter head, but have an interest in movie making. The detail of the sets and artistry that goes into them is nothing less than incredible.
I thought I would re-share the video review of the My Little Pony Train. My daughter got this Christmas before last and she has been playing with regularly ever since. I stepped on it last night in the middle of the night and seriously it rivals Lego’s for pain! She has no idea how close she came to losing this thing. I don’t think she would ever forgive me for throwing it out though.
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