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Writer's pictureCynthia Buckley

The Week Ahead for South Florida 1/22/15

I wanted to share one of the things that Santa brought for my girl this year.  I felt it was a really important thing and she loves it!  I am not big into “boys toys” & “girls toys” in fact I have expressly forbid this kind of language and sentiment in our household.  I think it is so important for kids to be allowed to play with whatever they like.  Yes, even boys.  What is more it is crazy important for girls to be given the same opportunities to learn about science, engineering and math.

This toy is one that I hope will have an impact on her education for a while.  Please check out The Electronic Snap Circuit review, this toy certainly proves that learning toys can be fun and don’t have to be pink!

My pick of the week is:

The Tri-Rail Fun Day Fort Lauderdale If you have a kid who likes trains then this looks like a good bet for the weekend!

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