We are hitting the road and heading north this week and have finally narrowed down our summer road trip. (Well as much as you ever can when taking a car trip with a 5 year old.) This trip will include sleeping in a converted Trolley Car near Savannah the first night, and hopefully we will get a chance to go sluicing for emerald’s in North Carolina along the way.
I am also hoping to squeeze in a trip to Amish Country while we are in Ohio. We are so excited! You can follow the fun on Twitter #KidsRoadTrip and on our Facebook Fanpage.
Reminder! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL so you get all our weekly events lists, since we will be on the road for the next couple of weeks I am may not get the links posted in all the extra groups that I usually do.
Sponsor Shout Out! A quick and heartfelt THANK YOU to our sponsors for their support!
Trish O’Connor – Shop Online 24/7
The Best Seamstress in Town
Unique Jewelry Designed by Lisa
Acting Now to Save the Future