On Monday, September 5 Flamingo Gardens will celebrate the 20th anniversary of their Free Flight Aviary. They Open at 9:30 to 4:30. It looks like a full day of activities going on there!
At 10 am there will be a bird release ceremony attended by the Davie Mayor Judy Paul. There will be a special shuttel to take everyone to Big Lake at 10 am. So arrive early!.
Whole Foods Market will provide a birthday cake at 11 am and there will be special aviary tours by the Everglades Wildlife Santuary.
1pm “Backyard Birding” by Paddy Cunningham, South Florida Audubon Society and Birding Adventures 2pm Special Aviary Tour by Paddy Cunningham, South Florida Audubon Society and Birding Adventures
“Birds of the Aviary” exhibit in the Gallery Bird of Prey presentations on the Wray Lawn
Kids Activities in the Gallery
Free Wildlife Arts & Crafts Show in the Courtyard
The Bird Festival is half-price entry all day, so bring the whole family!
Admission is $9 ages 12+, $5 ages 4-11, free for members and children 3 and under. Craft Fair in Courtyard is free entry. Narrated Tram Tour additional. Please no pets or coolers.
Visit www.FlamingoGardens.org for more info
or call 954 473-2955